Bang bang, shoot shoot.

Yet another one of our great families goes down. How many of you have been listening to the constant news and want to hide your face in your palm and cry?


Because of the shooting of innocent people. The killing of children who haven’t seen or lived enough. The killing of those who did not expect to die. 

Isn’t it painful? My heart cringes in pain. Yours?

Gun Violence and Who is to Blame?

Why do people shoot people? What makes one kill?

Thousands of people want to know but the answer is simple. This is not about guns or gun control – it is not guns that pull the trigger. 


This is about humans, who are lost and desperate and use violence to express their anger. 

In today’s world, people hate one another. 

We are naturally in competition, trying to outdo ourselves, and be the best, but where are we trying to go?

Nowhere. We have come to shoot each other out of desperation.

No one tells you what to do or how to approach someone when you have an emotion or conflict. No one knows how to effectively communicate without someone getting hurt. 

Whoever is hurting collects negative emotions inside and whoever is hurt collects them inside as well. 

Think of it like collecting dirty socks in a hamper for over a year. 

Imagine what happens inside of one another if we do not learn how to deal with our emotions.

For some people, this means taking out a gun and shooting other people. They are lost and want to cause harm as a form of release. They are unable to deal with their emotions and find themselves in a deep hole because they hate one another.


What can we do?

Husbands and wives are competitors and enemies

Husbands and wives are competitors and enemies

There is no real love anymore, no genuine love. 

Husbands and wives are competitors and enemies 

How have we forgotten?

We have forgotten that we are human beings, different colors, but who cares? We are all eventually the same in the end and we need to remember and celebrate that.

A record number of mass shootings have happened and that should terrify us deeply, but we can’t crumble in fear. We need to remember who we are. 

The universe is not a horrible place, even though lost souls can do horrible things.


Where are we going?

It’s time to remember that we are one family. 

It starts with you, and your family. Look at your spouse and love them fully. With this love, they will go out and deliver the same type of feelings to a stranger. The stranger will take this and deliver good emotions to another stranger. 

It is the butterfly effect in action. 

We keep forgetting or expecting rewards for doing the right thing.

Don’t expect, just do. Be loving, be supportive, and be curious in a good way.

Love your family with all of your might that you can and the whole world will eventually feel it and the butterfly will fly again